We need your help!

We need your help to make Yith Library a truly awesome service. There are several things you can do to show your love.

Spread the word

Add a banner from your site ...

... or add a line about us in your favourite social network:


Yith Library is currently available in English and Spanish. If you speak any other languages it would be awesome if you could contribute a translation for that language.

Current translations
English (USA)
100% complete
By Lorenzo Gil
Spanish (Spain)
100% complete
By Lorenzo Gil

This is the file you need to translate. Please contact us if you need any help!

Write some code

If you know how to program your help will be very much appreciated since there a lot of room for improvement in Yith Library. The source code is on Github and you can read the documentation to get you started.

Give us your money

Well, not all of them, but it would be great if you could contribute a very small amount of money to maintain this service.

This is how we will spend that money:

Right now we are using OpenShift as our hosting provider because we got a grant from them due to the open source nature of Yith Library. We are really grateful to them but we realize that we are slowly growing up and at some point that grant will not be enough for us.
SSL Certificate
Having a strong SSL Certificate to serve all Yith Library resources is quite important in an application like this. We are using free class 1 StartSSL certificates but we would like to upgrade to class 2 certificates to provide a better experience for our users and avoid some browser's security warnings.
Email services
Yith Library can email you with a ciphered backup of your password collection once a month. We need to thank Mandrill for allowing us to do this using their free plan. But as with Heroku, we'd like to improve this feature but allowing our users to decide how frequently they want this email to be sent. Unfortunately the free plan is not enough for this and we would need to switch to a bigger plan.
Branding assets
We would like Yith Library to look really awesome and unfortunately the two yithians that run the service are not very good with brushes and pencils. We bought the famous yithian image but we'd like to get it more friends.
Once a year the domain yithlibrary.com must be renewed. It's not a big expense but it adds :-)

We also have some cool stickers waiting to be placed on your laptop, your car or maybe your boss' back. Some of our donation packages include a sticker unless you say so to use the full amount in Yith itself.



A personal thank you from the yithians

Donate via PayPal


A cool Yith Library sticker and a personal thank you from the yithians

Donate via PayPal


A cool Yith Library sticker, a personal thank you from the yithians and daily backups of your passwords if you want them

Donate via PayPal
